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I have known Malcolm for many years, both as an employee of Westinghouse Rail Systems (aka Invensys Rail) and more recently as a consultant working on projects I managed within Invensys Rail. He is probably the most experienced safety critical hardware designer I know and is equally capable tackling digital, analogue, and VHDL designs. He can be relied upon to come up with creative solutions to complex design problems, thoroughly consider safety critical aspects, and deliver designs that stand the test of time and work reliably for years. On a consultancy basis, I have found him to be hard working, fair, and easy to work with for both time and materials and fixed price contracts.
Andy Collins
Senior Programme Manager at Invensys Operations Management
Dear Malcolm,
Thank you for your major contribution to our recent track circuit development project. Your review and advice relating to the hardware aspects was most valuable and your suggestions for design improvement and enhancement were greatly appreciated.
Peter J. Cross
Managing Director
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