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Full Circuit Ltd
Full Circuit - B2B Electronic Engineers, bespoke electronics design, analogue, digital, vhdl, micro, pic, arm; bespoke software, C++, C and assembler
Fixing Annoying Blue Standby Lights
A simple and free fix for those annoying over bright blue standby lights on home electronics (TV, Stereo, Set top box, etc.)
VPS Websites using free Webmin-Virtualmin
A howto on building a VPS on Digital Oceans to host 3 websites. Uses free Webmin/Virtualmin on Ubuntu. Detailed steps for Linux novices.
Installing phpMyAdmin on Webmin-Virtualmin
How to install a central copy of phpMyAdmin on a VPS running Webmin-Virtualmin for hosting (root) user. Plus enabling https for extra security.
Installing Free SSL on Webmin-Virtualmin VPS
Walk through on getting a free class 1 SSL cert from StartSSL and then installing that on a Webmin-Virtualmin VPS. Plus renewing certificates.
Virtualmin-Webmin VPS Mail Problems
A collection of mail problems with fixes. Included are mail server blocking/unblocking, mailgun, postfix anti-spam and spam-assassin configuration.
Backup and Restore for Webmin-Virtualmin VPS
How to backup and restore a website VPS using free Webmin/Virtualmin with s3cmd and Amazon S3 storage.
FS2600 Project
FS2600 Track Circuit - A challenging design completed within an impossible timescale. Used heterodyning and LC ladders with gyrators.
VHDL Testbench Tool
Full Circuit's VHDL tool - add on to excel to create complex test benches. Leverages excel's features to give powerful functionality.
Curriculum Vitae
Malcolm Reeves' CV - Chartered Electronics Engineer, 25+ yrs designing analogue, power, digital, micro, ARM, PIC, VHDL, and software C++, C, assembler
Employee Cost Calculator
Calculator to show the true cost of permanent employee in uk.
The Full Circuit Service
Full Circuit service - a wealth of experience in "right 1st time" bespoke electronics designs and software from a chartered engineer.
Full Circuit Freeware utility programs, phone book, onscreen reminder and calender (XP and Win7).
TMS9902 Replacement
TMS9902 replacement in VHDL using 3 chip-scale BGAs and IC size PCB for low cost, low volume.
Projects & Patents
List of Malcolm Reeves (Full Circuit's director and a chartered electronics engineer) example projects and patents.
LED Lamp Regulator
Another challenge design problem, a constant current drive for am aircraft LED lamp, 70W dissipation in a 20x30x12mm volume. Right 1st time.
Proof that Heating 24/7 can be Cheaper
Proof that 24/7 heating can be cheaper under certain conditions. And from that derive rules for lowest heating costs.
Satisfied Full Circuit customers kind recommendations (aka references).
Comparing Configuration Files
How to compare configuration files (aka ini, config, setting, preference) where line order does not matter using a freeware program.
VLM Optimisation
Example of assembler level code optimisation to increase speed including a H/W engineer's tweak to avoid dumping the pre-fetch.
Panasonic DMC-FZ200 Camera Bag
The Panasonic DMC-FZ200 camera in a Case Logic TBC-406 bag.
Website copyright statement.
Panasonic DMC-FZ200 Soft Lens Cap
Soft lens cap for Panasonic DMC-FZ200 camera to save taking lens hood off and on.
Low Pressure Shower
Flow rate result for a shower using Aqualisa Colt (Opto Themo replacement) using a low water head (~1m to water level, ~0.6m to tank base).
Tile File
How to get a perfect finish on cut tile edges.
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